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The Value of a White Board

LJ Johnson


I’ll be honest. The last time I looked at a whiteboard was my final day of classes in high school- and for me, that ended 2 months earlier than my classmates.

Having taken advantage of self-paced online classes, I capitalized on the -now primitive- virtual classes offered to seniors. Mind you, this was a decade before 2020. Virtual connection, learning, and brainstorming were a relatively new tool- and I was about to capitalize on the loopholes new tech tends to create.

I found the beta version of virtual classes simple enough to complete ahead of schedule. With my in-person elective class projects also completed in advance, I was left with ample free time. A meticulously crafted art portfolio and an avante garde prom dress both required expedited execution, so upon submission for grading, it was suggested I return to school solely for exams, freeing up 2 full months to prep for exams and get a head start on summer jobs.

Yet, this anecdote serves a greater purpose beyond recounting personal achievement —it underscores a critical principle for marketing success: the efficient utilization of talent. This could easily be an article on how to cheat the system, and in a way, it is. Because when a marketing firm houses a wealth of creative minds under one proverbial roof, failing to harness their collective potential is tantamount to squandering invaluable resources.

In the decade since that anecdote took place, technology has transformed work and communication. Remote work and asynchronous communication have become common, along with the storage of countless ideas within our digital workspace, but this can lead to inefficiencies. Notes written at different times may only make sense to the author, requiring time and resources for translation and editing, especially for digital teams.

Selland Technology leads with innovation and expertise in every industry we serve. Armed with cutting-edge tools like Figma and Notion.AI, our team transforms ideas into tangible solutions. By embracing collective talent and the latest technology, we cultivate lasting client relationships, prioritizing collaboration and mutual success.

Whiteboard sessions in the digital marketing realm can often be overlooked in favor of the latest trend in the tech sphere. However, this tool proves invaluable for brainstorming and refining ideas. Carving out space and time to throw ideas onto the proverbial “whiteboard” isn’t just a matter of “finding time”—it’s a strategy for success.

  1. Visual Thinking: Whatever the tool digital or physical, having a visual canvas to jot, tweak, and refine ideas allows a vision to be shared and absorbed by the team. Ideas flow freely, being captured in real time. From sketching out concepts to mapping customer journeys, the visual element fosters creativity and clarity.
  2. Instant Collaboration: In a whiteboard session, teams come together to ideate, share insights, and build upon each other’s ideas. The dynamic nature of these sessions encourages active participation and sparks innovative thinking.
  3. Iterative Problem-Solving: Marketing challenges, especially in the digital realm, often require multiple revisions to find the best solution. Rapid ideation enables teams to experiment, refine, and adapt strategies on the fly. An insider tip? Trial timed sessions. If a solution needs to be found within 5 minutes, the most obvious solution will be supplied. From there, a revision discussion can be held.
  4. Tangible Results: Whiteboard sessions produce results that can be easily shared and revisited. The inherent system of reasoning used to determine a solution allows for the opportunity to pinpoint additional parallel solutions. The presence of ideas on the board, and the need to explain this reasoning in real time, fosters accountability, and ensures that key takeaways are not lost in the shuffle.
  5. Breaking Down Silos: Cultivate team connection intentionally in the digital landscape by encouraging individuality and problem-solving skills during sessions. Foster creative collaboration to ensure marketing strategies align with strategic goals. Observe communication styles and roles within the team for holistic troubleshooting. Whiteboard sessions unite departments, breaking down barriers for cross-functional collaboration.

In essence, this narrative serves as a reminder that in the realm of marketing, efficiency and collaboration are paramount. While digital tools undoubtedly play a crucial role in our strategies, there’s something timeless and undeniably effective about the classic whiteboard session. By balancing traditional methods with new technology, we maximize productivity for innovation and success.

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